Sport spotting scopes by DDoptics
Spotting scopes are often used in sports and competitions in order to better recognize the target and the distance and to be able to understand the hit. Spotting scopes usually have a higher magnification than rifle scopes. Depending on the discipline, small and handy sports spotting scopes are ideal. A reliable spotting scope is part of the basic equipment of a good marksman.

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AcceptHDs Sport Spotting Scopes
The compact HDs compact Sport spotting scopes by DDoptics are ideal for both shooting sports and archery, for estimating distances of up to 1.4 km and for capturing results quickly. Outdoors, the light and shadow conditions can change very quickly, so sport shooters can use a powerful spotting scope. The HDs compact sport spotting scope impresses with bright, clear and extremely razor-sharp images. It is also very handy and fits in almost every jacket pocket.

Long range sports spotting scopes
A spotting scope with 50x or 60x magnification is ideal for sports shooters such as long-range or benchrest shooters in order to be able to clearly see the details of the bullet holes on the target even at a greater distance. The DDoptics EDX sports spotting scopes with the greatest possible contrast, sharpness and brightness are ideal for this.

Pirschler Sport Spektive
The Pirschler spotting scopes are ideal for archers and sports shooters with distances of 300 to a maximum of 900 meters. From the light archery spotting scope with a 12-36x magnification to the compact 15-45x60 spotting scope for twilight and the 20-60x80 spotting scope for the shooting range, the Pirschler series offers exactly the right sport spotting scope for all disciplines.