Spotting scopes for astronomy by DDoptics
Astronomy spotting scopes are ideal for observing and photographing the universe and are in no way inferior to small telescopes. Celestial bodies such as the moon, the sun, planets and stars are several 100,000 kilometers up to light years away from us. In order to be able to observe these, you need a bright astronomy spotting scope with a large lens diameter and, depending on what you want to look at, high magnification.

Spotting scope with oblique view
Spotting scopes with an angled view are preferred for applications in astronomy. The insight is more comfortable, especially when observing while standing and when digiscoping.

EDX astronomy spotting scopes
The high-quality ED optics of the EDX spotting scope with interchangeable eyepieces ensure brilliant astronomical viewing experiences with the sharpest contours, maximum brightness and true-color image display.

Interchangeable eyepieces
View the moon and constellations with more magnification (20-60) or the wide-angle 25-50 eyepiece for a larger field of view.

Pirschler spotting scope for astronomy
Small astronomy spotting scopes offer a higher magnification than binoculars and in most cases are handier and lighter than astronomy telescopes with much higher magnifications. The high-quality coating of the Pirschler astronomy spotting scopes ensures significantly minimized color fringes in lunar observation.
Accessories for astronomy spotting scopes
For observing the stars you need a solid tripod on which you can mount your astronomy spotting scope quickly and safely. In order to be able to capture these unique viewing experiences, we also offer an adapter for your smart phone or camera. Both can be connected to the DDoptics astronomy spotting scope so that you can also take digital views and recordings via digiscoping.